Welcome to the Ruthlessly Hopeful’s Profiles In Hope!
I hope the people, science and resources I write about inform, inspire and motivate you to be more hopeful and do more good.
I profile people who are doing good and spreading hope. I highlight how they remain hopeful in the face of reality, overcome challenges, persevere and remain hopeful. Thank you for sharing these posts with others.
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Giving Up All Hope for a Better Past
How I learned “ Forgiveness means giving up all hope for a better past.”
One Sandwich Makes A Difference
An interview with Joy D’Ovidio about her journey from a successful career in specialty foods to co-founding A Meal With Dignity whose vision is no one hungry and homeless.
Changing the Narrative
An interview with Habon Abdulle, founder and executive director of Ayada Leads, about her journey to it, and the work they do to support women from the African diaspora to fully participate in political and civic life.
Survival, Healing and Peace
An interview with Lori Pappas, a successful entrepreneur, author and humanitarian, about her journey from survival to peace by dealing with the trauma that lived within her.
Burning Bright
An interview with Heather Boschke, the founder of Little Birdie Buddies. She shares how and why she forged a new career path that gives her time, energy and allows her to "spread joy one bird at a time."
A Different Calling
A conversation with Kevin Nye, writer, speaker and advocate. He calls on a mostly Christian audience to live their faith by protecting the unhoused and working to end homelessness.
As Herself
A conversation with Dana about how hope helped her stop living according to other people's expectations and start living as her true self.
Ready, Willing And Able To Be Hopeful
An interview with pediatrician, Dr. Donna Hamilton, who prioritized hope and well being and is now helping others do the same.
Trying To Be A Well Being
Why I started meditating and have become intentional about trying to be a well being.
Architects of A Better Future
An interview with Alex Briscoe, the executive director of California Children’s Trust, about giving kids the chance to heal and create their own better futures.
An interview with Marcus Styles, co-founder of Heyven, an online business directory supporting the creators, small businesses and nonprofits that make Minnesota communities strong and more vibrant.
If People Knew
An interview with Monica Nilsson who works to move people who are homeless into homes and change public perceptions about homelessness.
Bonds of Hope
An interview with Gary Cunningham, a senior advisor at the Institute on Race, Power and Political Economy about Baby Bonds and the hope they give for a better future.
Becoming Ruthlessly Hopeful: The Seed Sprouts
The all too true story of how Ruthlessly Hopeful came to be.
Mission Driven
An interview with Jordan Bartlett, co-founder of Doing Good Works, a mission-driven company dedicated to supporting young people impacted by the foster care system.
Hope Dealer
An interview with Nikolas Tsamoutalid, the Administrator of Student Supports and Wellness for the Bethlehem Area School District about their work to create a culture of hope and wellness.
Here To Be Meaningfully Helpful
An interview with Dr. Greg Plotnikoff the founder of Minnesota Personalized Medicine where patients find a path to healing and hope.
Recipe for Hope
An interview with Sue Abderholden about her journey to becoming the executive director of NAMI MN, and the work they do to give hope to so many affected by mental illnesses.
A Smaller Carbon Footprint
An interview with Cody Fischer, the founder and president of Footprint Development, about the hope it takes to build climate-resilient, multi-family housing in transit-rich neighborhoods, especially in the face of resistance.